Thursday, December 31

Energy Musings. Here. Now.

Today, soothe your aching heart. The parts that ache out loud, and the parts that ache silently within.

Soothe those places with tenderness, care, smiles, acceptance.  Soothe it with song, dance, joy, embrace.

Soothe yourself in a blanket of your love, divine love, family love, the love of those around you.  The love of the cells in your body that work each day on your behalf.  The love of the air you breathe, that allows itself to be pulled into you each and every moment for your nourishment.  The subtlest of loves you might otherwise overlook, forget.  The love that goes unnoticed.

In all that you love, in all that you feel, know that it is returned to you a million times over.  know this.  Know This. Dance it. Sing it.  Play with it.  Live it.  Love it.  Be it. Radiate it.

Shedding the pains, trials, tribulations and obstacles of the last few months…. just feel Love.

And on this eve of 2016, bring in the love, bring on the love, for this New Year.

Word of the Day: Love

Song of the Day:  I Feel Love. Donna Summer.  And the extended dance mix to boot! Jam out!

Wednesday, December 30th

Energy Musings.  Here.  Now.

Today might start off with some unexpected setbacks.  Take a deep breath in, close your eyes, and let it go.  Clear your field, clear your house, clear your tools.  Try your best to roll with it with ease and find your footing again.  Ground, ground, ground some more and then really fill. Big belly breaths opening to full body breaths.  Feel the expansion within the container that is YOU.  Reset your perimeter.  Remember who you are and shake off the debris.

Look for the neutral place, the middle ground, the centered way of being.  From here you can see things with clear discernment and understand what needs to happen next.  There is no one size fits all formula, its all about knowing yourself.  What brings you to that centered state of being? Do that today.

Word of the day:  Center

Action of the day:  Know Yourself

Song of the day:  Pick Yourself Up.  Nat Cole.


Tuesday, December 29th

Energy Musings.  Here. Now.

Today, Signs of Spring are all around.  Daffodils are starting to bloom, trees are sprouting new growth, birds are out singing in the morning chorus.  But January is fast approaching .

The question is:  What’s Happening?

Is it time for growth and beginnings right in the middle of the dark winter days and nights?  Is everyone, everything, just confused?  Are we getting a dose of backwards medicine (in Lakota tradition for one, a very powerful if difficult, gift)?  Is something in your being and the world just ‘off’?

From the multitude of perspectives (those above and many many more), which one do you choose?  Is it ever any one thing?  How many perspectives can you imagine and hold for the information it carries?  Each piece, each perspective offers more and more awareness on a personal and global level.  Some will stand out as hooks or triggers, some will just feel good, some will be inspiring, some will make you wonder….. all of them have meaning and significance.

Examine what is happening.  Look for its reflections and reflect on the interpretations.  See what information arises for you today and take it in.


Question of the day:  What’s Happening?

Medicine of the day:  Backwards Medicine (Heyokah, trickster, sacred clown)

Song of the day:  Free Your Mind by Carolyn Malachi

Monday, December 28th

Energy Musings.  Here.  Now.

Today, a scent from the past reminds you of the work to be done.  Look no further than inside yourself.  There is a repetition of themes since November.  They keep cycling and recycling waiting and waiting to be acknowledged and actively addressed.  The longer this gets put off, the more external pressure in various forms.

Without feeling overwhelmed or scared, can you see clearly where the work needs to be done?  If not, ask for guidance, light a candle, enter meditation, go into your studio, dance, allow the information to rise in you through the things you love and trust.

All of this is timely before the new year’s arrival.  It does feel a little bit like all the work is coming at once, in the form of a giant SLAM.  Don’t let yourself be hit by it.  Instead, dance with it, smile with it, accept it with grace and empathy and love.   The key to this is Trust & Acceptance.   This will be true all week so remember that as things come up.

And pay attention to your sense of smell. There is information for you here.

Word of the day:  Trust

Action of the day:  Acceptance

Song of the day:  Work to do


Thursday, December 24th-Sunday, December 27th

Energy Musings.  Here.  Now.

Today, and this long holiday weekend, anchor into your inner peace.  Take the time to fill yourself with at least one thing each day that nourishes you.  What is your passion?  Dance, Yoga, Meditation, Song, Music, Movement, Hiking, Running, Swimming…. bring a piece of it into your life each day.  Amidst the travel, the excitement, the fun… whether you celebrate or not…remember to take care of yourself. Nurture your own soul as you make the space for family, friends, loved ones, faith, and whatever it is that this time means for you and yours.  Cradle yourself in your own love and from that wellspring allow it to flow into all those around you at this time.  Look inward first.  Don’t forget to Fill!

Sending you all Love, Peace & Joy this Season.


Word of the day:  Peace

Song of the Day:

Martha Redbone Roots Project
Words by William Blake, Music by Martha Redbone, Aaron Whitby & John McEuen


Sleep Sleep Beauty Bright known as ‘A Cradle Song’ in Songs and Ballads
Sleep Sleep beauty bright
Dreaming oer the joys of night
Sleep Sleep: in thy sleep
Little sorrows sit & weep

Sweet Babe in thy face
Soft desires I can trace
Secret joys & secret smiles
Little pretty infant wiles

As thy softest limbs I feel
Smiles as of the morning steal
O’er thy cheek, & oer thy breast
Where thy little heart does rest

O the cunning wiles that creep
In thy little heart asleep
When thy little heart does wake
Then the dreadful lightnings break

From thy cheek & from thy eye
Oer the youthful harvests nigh
Infant wiles & infant smiles
Heaven and Earth of peace beguiles

Wednesday, December 23rd

Energy Musings.  Here.  Now.

Today.  This time between the Solstice and the Full Moon is potent.  Old patterns, things left undone, that which we avoid, and so on and so on.  Its affecting Health, Mind, Soul… everything. Its affecting individuals and groups. Humans, animals and plants.

Amidst the almost fatiguing bombardment of this, is the light of the holidays, the slowly returning daylight and the light of the approaching Moon.  Without this counterbalance, we might be pushed too far.  But how beautiful that the whole Universe conspires to keep us supported.  To make it even possible for us to go through these big transitions.  All we need is to see, feel, hear, taste, touch and remember this light.  It will guide you today, tomorrow, and always.

Remembering this light is not ignoring what is happening around you, to you, within you.  It is seeing it more clearly.  Some days, that light is a giant flood light illuminating the whole room, others it is a single beam flashlight focusing on one thing in particular and some days it might even be a Light Saber slashing through the illusions that haunt you.

Which light do you need today to move you with grace and ease through the rest of this week, this year?  Close your eyes and imagine this light.  It is yours.  take it.  use it.

Word of the day:  Lightness

Pose of the day:  Eagle  (take flight with this pose!)

Song of the day:  The Inner Light by the Beatles.  (I love everything about this song including that it was the B side to Lady Madonna!)

Tuesday, December 22nd

Energy Musings. Here. Now.

Today, the rain.   A light drizzle.  A grey sky.  Time to be still and listen.  Allow the gentleness of this rain to tenderly cleanse you.  Treat each step, each word, each gesture, each action, each moment with the utmost tenderness today.  Not rushing or pushing forward.  Pause at every intersection (both literal and metaphorical) to reflect and notice.  Slow your day down.  Not to a halt, but into a state of living breathing mindfulness.  Whether you are eating, cleaning, working, packing or shopping, take your time.  Focus on the quality of each moment, not on how much you can get done.

And spend some time just listening to the sound of the rain.

Word of the day: gentle

Movement of the day:  passing clouds (tai chi)

Song of the day: come rain or come shineimage


Monday, December 21st

Energy Musings.  Here.  Now.

Today, tonight, marks the Solstice. The darkest night of the year.  A time traditionally for reflection, silence, inner work and pulling in.  As much as I feel called to gather with groups to mark these transitions (and I do!), the Winter Solstice really embodies and reflects a more intimate nature to our work.

This place, these days, are all about You.  Are you able to see clearly your needs, your requirements, your accomplishments and strengths when you are in a group?  Or do you wind up empathically connecting to all those around you and by default lose sight of the deeply personal and often painful healing and work you need?  Answering this honestly will help guide you to the place you need to be to acknowledge this  place of “darkness”.

We all know that the light is just on the other side of the darkness.  Just as the inhale follows immediately upon the exhale.  There is no need to fear one or the other.  The common blind spot we share is avoiding the darkness thinking that it is separate or bad in comparison to the light.  We can go on indefinitely individually and as a species, turning a “blind eye” to that which we would rather ignore or avoid.

Tonight we are given the beautiful opportunity to once again look in those difficult places with strength, love, self compassion and the true knowledge that regardless of what we find when we look there, the light WILL return.

As you have addressed the loose ends over the last weeks, done your “preventative medicine” work, addressed your procrastination head on… know that you are well supported to move through this transition cycle.

Relax, breathe and exhale into the darkness.

The Inhale will be waiting for you.





Friday, December 18th- Sunday December 20th

Energy Musings.  Here.  Now.

Today and this weekend, watch for patterns that might slip under the radar.  Little things, that otherwise go unnoticed.  If you ignore the small stuff it eventually turns Big. This is true of health, energy, psyche, work, kitchen appliances, et al!  Take some time today, this weekend, to look around you and notice what maybe you are ignoring or avoiding.  Or perhaps you know its there but you are just magically hoping it fixes or takes care of itself.  Look to the mind, body, soul, physical surroundings, your house, your car, everything.  What really needs your attention now?  Is there a doctors appointment long overdue?  A leaky faucet that needs to be fixed?  An ache or pain you have been avoiding?  A slight fatigue thats not getting better?  An important phone call you haven’t gotten to?  I’m not talking about the holiday cards as of  yet unsent.  I mean the underlying stuff you have been avoiding.  Forget all the holiday buzy-ness & distraction, and take some time to get these essential things done.  Consider this preventative.  Its crucial right now and is time sensitive.  Sure, Make a list & check it twice… and do it!

Word of the day:  Procrastination. Pay attention to it.

Action of the day:  Do it!

Inspiration of the day:  Rosie the Riveter


Thursday, December 17

Today, anchor in, fill yourself and take care of YOU.  Preventive medicine, in all its forms, would be wise to include in your routine.  Healing teas, tinctures, foods, homeopathics and practices like yoga, meditation and chi gong, will help aid you as we begin to move into this weekend. With all the buzz and activity of the holidays, its easy to forget about YOU.  What are the practices you turn to to boost your immune system?  Rest?  or maybe Sweat!  Its highly individualized.  But with your attention on staying healthy and strong, you will find exactly what you need.  Extend this to include your children and immediate family too.  Everyone can use a boost right now!

Heres a list of some things I often turn to.  See if any of these stand out for you today.

  • Elderberry
  • Fire Cider
  • Ginger
  • Astralagus
  • Mountain Tea (Ironwort)
  • Aconite
  • Echinacea
  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Usnea
  • Magnesium
  • Vitamin C
  • On Guard (from Doeterra)
  • Miso soup
  • Honey, Lemon Tea
  • Eucalyptus


Word of the day:  re-charge

Pose of the day:  Surya Namaskar (to get everything moving and flowing) followed by a long restorative Savassana (to allow everything to let go!)